After false start, NYT previews Mash

By Don Day 

A Yahoo employee inadvertently invited New York Times writer Brad Stone to a new service called “Yahoo Mash.” Writes Stone:

It’s no fun to be teased. I followed the link to, which bounced me to a username/password page, titled Yahoo Guesthouse, where my Yahoo login information did not work. I pointed this out to the Yahoo employee, and he replied cryptically over e-mail: “Yeah, I jumped the gun on inviting you. Not yet open to the public… Soon…”

A Yahoo PR spokesperson later said the service – whatever it is – is still in the alpha phase. Stone adds gravy to his blog entry with a list of Mash-possibilities.


Update: Now NYT and others are now getting a preview. “(It) is quite an homage to Facebook, but it adds one significant new wrinkle: users can edit each other’s profiles, redecorating, changing information, and adding features. Think the Wikipedia version of a social network,” reports Saul Hansell on
