WNBC hosts blogger summit

By Stephen Warley 

Wednesday night WNBC hosted a Blogger Summit, inviting well over 100 New York City bloggers into Rockefeller Center. It was moderated by their new technology reporter Sree Sreenivasan, WNBC.com Executive Editor Adam Shaprio, and Content Specialist Erin Monteiro. Are they crazy? Hardly. If you’ve read any recent interviews with Bob Wright lately, NBC understands where their future lies. WNBC used the opportunity to recognize the importance of bloggers covering stories they are often unable to do, as well as to learn how their newsroom and bloggers can better work together. (In the interest of full disclosure, WNBC is a client of mine and the Blogger Summit was their brilliant idea, not mine.) Watch WNBC’s on-air coverage and a behind-the-scenes look by blogger Bing Hu. Is your newsroom ready to forge a relationship with bloggers?

Photo courtesy of WNBC.com.
