Who should save the PI? Cory & Kate…

By Don Day 

The folks at TechFlash have provided some of the best coverage of the shockwaves at the Seattle PI — and their list of suggestions for “techies who could help nurture and save” the PI’s website suggests Cory and Kate Bergman:

Cory and Kate Bergman: The husband-and-wife team run MyBallard.com, the popular local news blog for Seattle’s north end. Cory, who works at MSNBC, and Kate, a producer at KING-5, have the technical and news chops to pull it off. Their experience in TV also would serve the online news site well, highlighting the importance of video in news coverage.

The pair are listed ABOVE Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen. Pretty good billing.


TechFlash also has a great story about ten ideas to save the P-I “and maybe the rest of the industry.” Also – the Seattle P-I’s publisher has asked staffers for ideas on how to go online-only.

(Creative Commons photo by Marc_Smith at Flickr)
