Videoblogger mini-convention!

By Cory Bergman 

Inside the vast reaches of NAB’s convention floors, not one, but three videobloggers were shooting at the same small booth at the same time (ok, so I’m counting myself as one of them.) The booth? Mogulus, where Andy Plesser from went live (on the web, natch) for 15 minutes, interviewing anyone within reach (including myself.) While he was on “the air” (what do we call it now, live on “the web?” or “the nets?”) the Channel 10 crew from Microsoft showed up and starting interviewing the Mogulus CEO (on tape.) Not to be outdone, I interviewed him, too.

(That’s on the left, Channel10 on the right.) I’ll post more later about Mogulus, which just did a white-label deal with Gannett’s newspapers.

