Twitter adding photo uploads, multimedia search

By Cory Bergman 

Twitter just announced that it’s partnered with Photobucket to soon allow users to upload photos from and its mobile apps (and presumably, its newest acquisition, Tweetdeck, too.) With the new feature, Twitter is also updating its search and hashtag results page to display photos and videos:

These are obvious improvements for Twitter, which is grafting some of the best client integrations and offshoots into its owned-and-operated experiences. In a way, Twitter is becoming more of a content destination, which it needs to drive advertising revenue. Twitpic and other Twitter photos services will clearly suffer from the move.


For media companies, this is clearly a motivator to distribute images and video in a way that appears in Twitter search. For journalists, it makes finding photos and videos surrounding news stories a little less cumbersome. Any other implications or observations? Share in comments…
