Thinking about video in user experience design

By David Johnson 

Mediapost’s Video Insider Blog today poses the question, “What Would Jakob Nielsen Think?” While we may not have phrased it thusly, many of us are asking ourselves questions about the best way to integrate video into our information architecture and user interfaces. Quoth the blogger, Alan Schulman, “These are interesting times. The Web canvas is becoming more open and dynamic, while the way we scan and process static information hasn’t changed much since the advent of the printing press.” The LR bloggers are champions of clean, open design. When I look at many local broadcast sites, I find pages that are packed tight, overcrowded with aggressive palates, and played hard with remade versions of onscreen graphics and anchor mugs (and the occasional weather dog). Then I see the peaceful serenity and easy focus in the simple sequential deployment of embedded video players by vloggers and wonder, why can’t local tv sites look more like Jetset or zefrank’s the show? Now, blogware tends to sacrifice design in trade for publishing ease, but we all have to dance with some kind of CMS. Why is it this way? What got us here and where are we going? Your thoughts?
