The LR YIR 2007

By David Johnson 

‘Tis that time of year, LostRemoters: The champagne is chilling, the orchestra is tuning up for Auld Lang Syne, and even though he’s not with us officially, Safran is trimming his BoSox memorial handlebar ‘stache and shining up his Patriots cufflinks for the big New Years Eve. Oh, and everyone in the business is kicking out their Year In Review lists. BBC offers “The technology with impact 2007”, including the iPhone, Facebook, the launch of Vista and the XO laptop. Wired has AFI’s list of “Moments of Significance” that includes the writers strike, the iPhone, and the “hyper-tabloidization” of television news.

Ok, Faithful. You know how we do it here. The comments are open for your YIR lists. Tell us the winners, the losers, the best and the worst, and the most significant happenings in television, online and anything else for 2007.
