Connecticut Mirror latest local news startup

By Steve Safran 

It seems like we’re doing one of these reports a day now. This time, Connecticut is the home of a new local news site. The Connecticut Mirror launched today, the latest in a line of non-profit news organizations. The site is the work of The Connecticut News Project, which the site says is “an independent, non-partisan, non-profit news organization created to reinvigorate coverage of Connecticut’s state government, public policy and politics.”

The group launched with $1.8 million in funding, which Poynter reports is enough to keep the operation going for three years. The site looks to be data-rich, with information on public officials that “includes election histories, personal and political background information, summaries of financial disclosure filings with links to original documents and, for state legislators, voting records on key bills.” There are four reporters, three of whom worked for The Hartford Courant.

