Technorati’s new look and new math

By Steve Safran 

Technorati has rolled out a new look to go along with the changes it has made in how it ranks blogs and how it approaches search. (According to the Technorati Blog, the relaunch was promptly met with a bot attack which brought it down for a time Wednesday.) Writes Technorati founder Dave Sifry:

We’ve eliminated search silos on Technorati. In the past, you had to know the difference between keyword search, tag search and blog directory search in order to make use of the full power of our site. No more. Starting today, we now provide you a simplified experience. Simply indicate what’s of interest to you and we’ll assemble the freshest, hottest, most current social media from across the Live Web – Blogs, posts, photos, videos, podcasts, events, and more.

Here’s the new look:

