SXSW: Trendrr rolls out new social TV features with 2.0 launch

By Cory Bergman 

With the competition heating up in the social TV analytics space, Trendrr has rolled out a brand new platform — a “full rebuild” — with a bevy of new features. Some of the new additions include competitive benchmarks, audience influence scores for advertising, character and talent charts (for example, animated characters over-index on Facebook), 24/7 tracking, audience programming affinities and Spanish language support.

One of the new features that Trendrr predicts will be “hugely popular” with clients is a conversation tracker. “We just started breaking out trending topics within conversations,” CEO Mark Ghuneim told us at SXSW. “First, we built Twitter trending topics, so it tracks when you trend, in what market, on what time, so you have a history of that. And now we’re pulling out the five top dominate themes of a conversation as it’s happening.”

(Trendrr 2.0 features custom dashboards and a new design)


He added that Trendrr developers are conducting weekly sprints, rolling out new products as they receive client feedback. “I’m all about client, product, client, product,” he said.

Ghuneim acknowledged that recent entrants like Bluefin Labs are making the space more interesting. “The marketplace got competitive,” he said. “That’s a great thing, because it’s spurring us all on to do better stuff. We focused first on the networks, now we’re partnering with agencies. We’re halfway down that road right now. And I think this is the year this all starts to bear out.”
