Sony Bravia TV sets add Twitter ticker, Facebook app

By Cory Bergman 

Like an increasing number of connected TV sets, Sony’s Bravia sets are adding built-in Facebook and Twitter integration, along with the addition of YouTube HD.

The Twitter ticker scrolls tweets from your account along the bottom of the screen. It also ties into Sony’s Shazam-like “Track ID” system, which identifies songs on TV with the push of the button on a remote. Viewers can optionally share those song identifications out their Twitter accounts, too.


(Prediction: we’ll soon see more sophisticated connected TV apps that automatically identify the TV show and filter tweets appropriately in a persistent scroll. That would be cool.)

Sony’s new Facebook app focuses on big photos and videos, but you can also update your status, send messages and follow URLs from your news feed.

Facebook, Twitter and YouTube HD are all part of an ongoing firmware update, which is automatic for Bravia TV’s connected to the internet.
