RIM Bold is coming, smartphone war is on

By David Johnson 

Cory posted earlier on the iPhone’s success an implications in the local marketplace. Resarch in Motion is firing back in the smartphone wars. The Blackberry 9000, called “The Bold,” is already for sale in some international markets and is expected to be in the U.S. market within a month. The Bold offers screen resolution that rivals the iPhone, but has a smaller screen to accommodate the keyboard. As the battle has waged so far, there is that feature-based consumer debate — touchscreen vs. real keys. But the covert war in corporate IT is where the Blackberry has gained all the ground. While the iPhone has the user experience, the Blackberry has the backend and security needed for big business. the 3G iPhone now offers Microsoft Exchange connectivity, and the RIM Bold is betting on a better screen to help improve user experience and help it hold onto the majority of the market. No matter what, mobile is the hot territory now and will be for a good while.

Also: T-Mobile to offer the first Google-powered phone
