Product Developer, Diversion Media

By Cory Bergman 

Diversion Media is an early stage new media startup based in NYC.
We’ve put together a great team that includes a lot of smart people
and released the first generation of our first (of many) web sites.
Over the next year we will be dramatically improving our existing
site and building a number of new broadband video destinations which
require the attention of an intelligent, creative and highly focussed
product developer.

We’re open to people with a wide range of backgrounds. That said, we
definitely favor people with brains, creativity and ideas who have
solid experience shipping real web applications.

You will be responsible for user research, gathering requirements,
developing preliminary design concepts and working with engineers to
build and improve our products.


If this job sounds like something you are interested in please send a
resume to, and please answer these
questions in a cover letter or email:

– What is the thing you’ve built that you’re most proud of?

– Tell us about a really great product. What do you like about it?

– What do you think about this site: What
would you improve?
