Political races not taking advantage of YouTube

By Steve Safran 

YouTube is the most powerful means of sharing video yet created. It also has a great demographic, and is an easy way of getting out a grassroots message. So lots of politicians are taking advantage of it for next month’s election, right? Nope. Reel Pop’s Steve Bryant did a little YouTube digging and found a woeful lack of interesting campaign-contributed video. The official ones that are there are boring TV ads. The most successful official one seems to be – no surprise – a funny one for the Ned Lamont campaign. Steve also has some good practical advice: if you don’t control your keywords, your opponent will – and will use that against you. How are candidates missing out on this obvious – and free – opportunity to reach young voters? The days of spending jillions on wasted TV time are ending. Put a real, human message on YouTube and let your passionate supporters help spread it.
