Please Meerkat Responsibly

By Karen Fratti 

I’m as excited about Meerkat as the next guy. And I know it’s just about getting used to the initial excitement of being able to stream your life, live, to all of the Twitter world. But y’all are meerkatting some really dumb things. I guess we said the same thing about Facebook status updates and Instagram pictures the first time around, but really, you’re just wasting real estate in my Twitter timeline.

Since gaining traction, there have been some great uses by TV shows and stars to promote their shows. But there’s just as much bad. What makes it even worse is that you can’t rewatch a stream, although that’s about to change. So now everyone knows you meerkatted your breakfast and we can’t even watch it. For shame, media types, for shame.

The Good


The Bad

Somewhere in Between
