Oxygen, Spike TV to feature 'Shazamable moments'

By Cory Bergman 

Last month NBC Universal announced a deal to integrate Shazam into several of its cable networks, and over the next few days, you’ll start seeing Shazam prompts on the air. Shazam is a mobile app that listen and identifies songs, but it’s increasingly pushing into TV. When the Shazam prompts appears on air, viewers with Shazam apps can “listen” to the broadcast and unlock exclusive content.

Tonight (Friday), the “Spike’s Guys Choice Award” will feature three Shazamable moments within the show, including exclusive footage from Triumph the Insult Comic Dog. Then on Sunday night, Oxygen’s “The Glee Project” will feature Shazam moments, as well.

“We’re excited to be a part of such a great program, giving fans the opportunity to see more video of the celebrity mentors and other behind-the-scenes footage,” said Shazam’s David Jones about the Glee Project integration. “Shazam for TV is revolutionizing the way we watch TV – no new gadgets or equipment required, just a smartphone with the Shazam App makes watching TV a more fun and interactive experience.”


Stay tuned to Lost Remote for a larger story on the Glee Project’s extensive social integration planned around Sunday night’s broadcast.

Earlier: Old Navy teams with Shazam for social commercials
