NY Times, Betaworks working on social news service

By Steve Safran 

The company behind TweetDeck and Bit.ly is working with the New York Times to launch a social news service called News.me. “We’re building something wonderful and amazing in the social news space,” said John Borthwick, CEO at Betaworks.

It’s still in stealth mode, and both Betaworks and the Times are providing few details. But the name explains a lot, as well as Betaworks’ background in the social media space. The Times says it will be an iPad app, at least to start, and the service will launch later this year. Perhaps a more newsy version of the popular Flipboard iPad app?

“We’re abstracting from that a vision of how social sharing and the real-time web are going to influence the news consumption experience,” said Michael Zimbalist, vice president of research and development at The Times Company. Stay tuned…

