Next week: liveblogging from the Networked Journalism Summit

By Steve Safran 

I’ll be sorta-kinda-moderating a panel at the Networked Journalism Summit at the CUNY Grad School of Journalism in New York City on October 10th, and I will also be liveblogging the event on LR. David Cohn has released the day’s schedule. The panel for which I’m playing Oprah is called, simply, “New Broadcast.” This is all very anti-formal, in keeping with planner Jeff Jarvis’s notion of what a productive summit should be. I’d like you guys to give me your suggested questions/topics/ideas for discussion in the comments below. (And as Rosenblum and Sechrist will be panelists, I realize I’m already inviting lots of snark. Please understand that, as much as I like the pageviews, I’m probably not going to be asking anonymous hate questions.)
