MSNBC responds to web rankings shift

By Cory Bergman 

Over the weekend, MSNBC weighed in on my earlier post analyzing the new Nielsen-Netratings data that shows CNN Digital Network surged above MSNBC in the May web rankings. “This lift is a result of their new definition,” explains’s Gina Stykes, pointing to CNN’s recent investment and partnership with Internet Broadcasting, which appears to have resulted in CNN rolling up Internet Broadcasting’s unique users (minus NBC’s owned-and-operated stations, which did not take part in the IB-CNN deal). “The year-over-year data show that without the new partnership, would be down 7% year-over-year, while increased 14% in the same period,” Stykes explained.

Two Lost Remote readers who are knowledgeable with the CNN-IB deal confirmed Internet Broadcasting’s uniques have been rolled up into the CNN Digital Network — which goes to show, it’s all how you slice it in the metrics.
