, West Seattle Blog, NPR among OJA winners

By Cory Bergman 

The celebration is still underway after the Online Journalism Association awards were handed out here in Washington D.C. Our team from won the overall general excellence award in the large site category, and I was thrilled to watch Tracy Record collect the community collaboration award for Two Seattle neighborhood blogs in a row have now won the award.

The innovative folks at the Las Vegas Sun won the general excellence award for a medium site, as well as for video journalism. The non-profit startup won overall excellence for small site.


NPR grabbed the Gannett Award for Technical Innovation (for its NPR API) as well as the award for outstanding use of emerging platforms for its work on mobile devices. won for breaking news (Haiti) and best blog reporting (CNN Technology) — and they should win an award for the most innovative acceptance speech: playing a video on an iPad.

Other winners include, and ProPublica, among others. Congrats everyone! Full list of winners here.

By the way, no local TV sites were nominated this year, and few usually enter. And all the finalists for the online video journalism awards were newspaper sites. The Toronto Star won the large site award in that category.

(Full disclosure: I work at
