Mobile Devices Aren’t Just for ‘Video Snacking’ Anymore

By Karen Fratti 

ooyala globalvideoindexq3This week, Ooyala released a Q3 Global Video Index Report that shows consumers are changing their habits in terms of where they are watching, when they are watching, and that the content consumed varies as they shift devices.

It’s not what you think either. Users are increasingly watching longer form video across the board — even on their smartphones, as you can see in the charts below.

The report also shows that connected televisions are gaining traction in the market, that viewers are watching significantly more video with them. For connected tv viewers, 80% of their sessions last “ten minutes or more” which is up from 71% last year. If you build it, they will come, right?


Tablet viewers spend about 68% of their time watching videos between 30-60 minutes long. Some of the numbers might have to be adjusted for sports viewing, too. Did you stream the World Cup games at work this summer? Me, too. From the report, again:

PCs saw an increase in the amount of time spent watching content longer than 10 minutes (63%), compared to a year ago when it was at 40%. This result might be attributed in part to viewers watching coverage of the 2014 FIFA World Cup while at work….Tablets appear to be transitional, in the sense that they can be used as a substitute for the big screen (some 15% of Netflix users say they have watched a movie on an iPad), for adding content and context as a second screen while watching TV, and also for “snacking.” Today, consumption patterns show that tablets are more akin to TVs than to smartphones. Whether monetizing via ads, transactions or subscriptions, providers need to think of the positive impact tablet viewers can have on premium video revenue.

Ooyala’s report is based on anonymous surveys of around 150 million viewers worldwide. Here are some of the visualizations that summarize the report:
