Lost Remote welcomes Paul Balcerak to the ranks

By Steve Safran 

Our ever-rotating panel of dedicated writers has a new face. Please welcome Paul Balcerak to LR Nation. Paul is a multimedia journalist and blogger. By day, he works as a web producer and manages social media for KIRO 7, the Cox-owned CBS station in Seattle; by night, he blogs about journalism and new media on his website, conveniently enough at PaulBalcerak.com. We recommend it highly. We also love his site’s tagline: I’m a new media journalist. This is where I share what I know (and don’t know).

You can also find him on Twitter, Facebook, Publish2 and probably lots of other sites as well. I should probably Google that. Paul’s base of operations shifts the delicate balance of power here at One LR Plaza, from a Boston-Seattle truce to a decided West Coast advantage. Still, both of our football teams had disappointing ends this year. Thanks for joining, Paul. Now get to work.
