Live ‘eventcasting’ from CES

By Cory Bergman 

Both Robert Scoble and Sarah Meyers have been “eventcasting” live from CES. Scoble is reporting live via his cell phone on Qik. (Watch a live interview he did with the YouTube founders here.) And self-described “lifecaster” and internet cutie Sarah Meyers is packing around a high-def camera, microphone and laptop with an EVDO card to webcast live via both PopSnap and Mogulus (she started on You can see how she does it in this ZDNet video clip. Thanks to Lost Remote reader Dave for tipping us on the story. He writes, “My key takeaway with this years’ 2008 CES is the year which live mobile video has come of age.” Amazing stuff, especially when you realize that everyone with a smart phone is able to webcast live from just about anywhere.

ZDNet interviewing Sarah while she videotapes herself interviewing the ZDNet reporter, and it’s all live. How strangely meta.

