Laid off? Start a neighborhood blog

By Cory Bergman 

With thousands of journalists losing their jobs, I have an easy prediction to make: neighborhood blogging will explode. Over the past couple months, we (at have been contacted by a steady stream of people — almost entirely journalists — looking for insight in starting a My Ballard for their neighborhood. And we say, go for it! But realize that it’s a ton of work and will require a good amount of patience (and success) before it yields any revenue (especially in these economic conditions.) But at the very least, it sure beats blogging for Huffington Post for free.

Adds Tracy Record from in comments: “If you’re in a situation where you just don’t know whether your job is good for six more months or six more years, go ahead and start it on the side, see if you LIKE what this is all about – that matters a lot, too. Can you really get jazzed about reporting on a development hearing? A restaurant opening? A repaving project? Wildlife sightings? Graffiti problems? Hope you can, because that’s all important – and has gone ignored in many places for years.”
