KNBC to air interactive game show

By Cory Bergman 

Coming this Sunday, KNBC will debut a live, interactive game show after NBC’s airing of Sunday Night Football. The Challenge, as it’s called, gives viewers the chance to compete for prizes by answering questions over the internet and mobile devices (powered by HipCricket). “This show represents thinking two to three years down the road for television,” said host Fred Roggin. “It’s simple to do the post-game format show, but if you look at the numbers, you see audience drops each quarter-hour. But with this show, if you miss a question, you might miss the grand prize.” So far, over 25,000 people have already registered to play. And Roggin says the show has already exceeded its revenue target with a host of advertisers. Kudos to KNBC for trying something new, and we’ll be curious to know how well it does in the ratings.
