Oh my, Charlie Sheen just joined Twitter

By Cory Bergman 

Update: And he just sent his first tweet with a link to this photo.

He’s been on every TV screen for days, even streaming live from his backyard on TMZ.com. So it shouldn’t come as a surprise that Charlie Sheen, a veritable sound bite machine, has joined Twitter.

At this writing, @charliesheen has no tweets and just an egg for a profile photo (fitting, perhaps?), but the account carries the Twitter stamp of verification. Verified accounts are not automated, which means somebody at Twitter HQ is talking with someone over at Charlie Sheen’s camp. By the way, Sheen’s longtime publicist resigned earlier this week after the TMZ interview, so this ought to be interesting.


It’s been amazing to watch the account grow thousands of followers by the minute. And just wait for his first tweet, which is a good candidate to set a retweeting record.

By the way, CBS Corp. president and CEO Leslie Moonves said today that he doesn’t know if Two and a Half Men will be back in the future in Sheen’s absence. “I wish he would have worked this hard to promote himself for an Emmy,” he said.
