High praise for mystery Obama ad

By Cory Bergman 

An anonymous video masher posted this Barack Obama ad on YouTube, “Vote Different,” which remixes the classic 1984 Apple ad at Hillary Clinton’s expense. “It may be the most stunning and creative attack ad yet for a 2008 presidential candidate — one experts say could represent a watershed moment in 21st century media and political advertising,” writes Carla Marinucci in the S.F. Chronicle. Agree?

Adds Blackcloud in comments: “The Apple ad had some originality, but it borrowed from predecessors like the silent movie ‘Metropolis.’ This struck me not as anything important, just someone playing around with their home editing setup who doesn’t like Hillary.”

Adds adm: “One likely consequence of this ad and its success is that the candidates’ political consultants will outsource the production of ‘amateur’ ads to firms/individuals who can’t be traced back to that candidate. people will be able to do all their swift-boating anonymously.”


Adds Jim: “How is it LEGAL? I understand fair use rules, but it borrows SO HEAVILY on the Apple ad it’s got to fall into the stolen category.”
