How do we match up with Google’s design principles?

By Don Day 

Google has published a list of ten things that make a design “Googley” — and they really are universal. The problem today is that most TV sites have their own set of principles:

Google: 1. Focus on people—their lives, their work, their dreams.
TV: 1. Focus on promotion—our newscasts, our advertisers, our sweeps piece.

Google: 2. Every millisecond counts.
TV: 2. Can we make it flash or use a bright color?


Google: 3. Simplicity is powerful.
TV: 3. Are there enough ad units above the fold?

Google: 4. Engage beginners and attract experts.
TV: 4. People will figure it out on their own.

Google: 5. Dare to innovate.
TV: 5. Are we keeping up with the competition?

Google: 6. Design for the world.
TV: 6. Design for the boss.

Google: 7. Plan for today’s and tomorrow’s business.
TV: 7. Focus on yesterday’s legacy.

Google: 8. Delight the eye without distracting the mind.
TV: 8. Distract the eye while cluttering the mind.

Google: 9. Be worthy of people’s trust.
TV: 9. People trust the anchors. Use big pictures of them.

Google: 10. Add a human touch.
TV: 10. Add a touch more clutter.
