Glee extra drops spoiler on Twitter

By Cory Bergman 

A regular extra on the TV series Glee, Nicole Crowther tweeted a spoiler earlier this week — she shared the initials of the characters who will be prom king and queen in an upcoming episode. For Glee fans, apparently that’s a biggie.

The leak prompted Glee co-creator Brad Falchuk to call her out on Twitter. “Hope you’re qualified to do something besides work in entertainment,” he tweeted. “Who are you to spoil something talented people have taken months to create?”


And a few fans blasted her, too. “You make me sick I hate your life!!!!!!!!!!” tweeted one. Then today, Crowther’s Twitter account disappeared altogether. By the way, Glee is a show that’s well known for its themes about bullying.

Surprisingly, the Hollywood Reporter says that Glee’s studio, 20th Century Fox Television, didn’t have its extras under non-disclosure agreements, so it looks like Crowther is in the clear with the lawyers. “The studio is considering amending all of its talent deals — from series regulars to day players like Crowther — to include strict punishments for blabbing online,” says the Reporter. Duh.
