Fusion and Maker Studios Partner Up

By Karen Fratti 

fusionmakerYesterday, Fusion announced a partnership with Maker Studios, another subsidiary of Disney. Fusion will feature a Maker’s branded block, a series of videos centered around a theme. They’ll launch with a ‘best of 2014’ on Fusion. The Maker block will be:

an unscripted clip series starring top digital and traditional talent, showcasing the best of Maker content. Talent will guide viewers through a curated content experience around specific themes. The blocks leverage the best creator content augmented by original premium production, tailored to distinct audiences. The series aim to reinforce the Maker millennial voice as well as drive engagement through calls-to-action.

As one of the leading online video publishers, Maker Studios will work to leverage Fusion’s digital presence and feature Fusion content on it’s own YouTube channel. You might recognize Maker’s work from “Epic Rap Battles of History” which premieres its fourth season this fall.  Fusion’s Isaac Lee says of the partnership in the release:


Maker has an exceptional track record for identifying talent and content that resonates with millennials in the digital space. We are thrilled to bring some of that content to our television audience. We expect this will be just the beginning of a powerful, dynamic partnership with Maker.
