Fox News teams with Google for debate

By Cory Bergman 

Fox News and Google will host a September 22nd debate with questions submitted by voters on YouTube. There are some other interesting Google elements, as well: voters will be encouraged to vote up or down their favorite questions using Google Moderator. “Many of the top-voted [questions] will be put straight to the candidates to answer,” explains Google’s Steve Grove on the company blog.

That has to be the first time I’ve seen any TV connection to Google Moderator, and Google also says it plans to wrap in its public data and search trends on air “to give greater context to the questions,” explains Grove. “The result – an informative dialogue about the future of our country centered on the issues you care most about.”


“For access to news and information, it’s hard to imagine two more powerful brands than Fox News and Google,” said Fox’s Michael Clemente. “The strength and reach of both should ensure a thorough and engaging debate that anyone can participate in.”

Fox News’ YouTube channel is accepting questions now. The debate will air — and stream live on YouTube and — on Sept. 22 from 9:00-11:00 p.m. ET.
