Fake AP Stylebook to become real book

By Steve Safran 

At little off-topic, but we have to note this with delight: Local newsies have been getting a kick out of the very funny Twitter feed @FakeAPStylebook, a parody of the newsroom bible on writing. Now, the team is going to publish a real book (real fake book? Fake real book?). The feed is published by more than a dozen contributors. Some of my favorite recent examples:

References to online retailer Amazon.com should always include “.com” even though they actually make money.

Muammar Qaddafi – What is this, 1983? We’re still talking about this guy? Was he on Idol or something? Also, “Khadafy” is acceptable.


Do not use the phrase “sources have said” unless you can’t get any real sources to say anything.

The Fake AP Stylebook is scheduled to come out Spring, 2011.
