Conan puts first guest to Twitter vote

By Cory Bergman 

Conan O’Brien returns to television on TBS on November 8th, and he’s asking his Twitter fans to pick the show’s first guest. Twitter-stars Lady Gaga and Justin Bieber are among the choices, but also some highly unlikely options like Pope Benedict XVI, the Sultan of Brunei and Jack Nicholson, who hasn’t appeared on a talk show since the 70s.

“None of these people have actually been booked on our show,” explains producer Aaron Bleyaert in a blog post. “For one reason or another, we haven’t contacted any of these people – In fact, we’re kind of hoping that, if someone on this poll starts getting a lot of votes, these folks will actually feel a bit guilty and will agree to be our first guest!!”


You have to admit, Conan is writing the book on social media promotion for a new TV show. He’s also commissioned a blimp to fly around the East Coast with its own Twitter hashtag, Flickr photo group and YouTube videos.
