Colbert denied place on South Carolina ballot

By Michael Gay 

Watching the “campaign” of Stephen Colbert has been fun, but the best part is that he’s polling higher than some of the serious candidates. Unfortunately, South Carolina Democrats think they are above the attention Colbert has been bringing their state. They’ve denied him a place on the ballot. What’s interesting is seeing the reaction from the press:

“According to CNN, he lost a roll call vote, 13-3. You’re right – not exactly a tight vote. Amazingly, Dennis Kucinich WAS allowed on the ballot; he’s the candidate who sees UFOs and is apparently considered more “serious” than Colbert.” Newsweek

“Colbert had brightened the autumn political scene in recent days by announcing he would run in both parties’ primaries in his home state and in that state only.”LA Times


“He won’t even get to lose once, let alone “lose twice” like he said he wanted to…” Washington Post

We’ll find out tonight if Colbert is calling it quits, but my guess is he’ll be a part of the race as an Independent candidate in South Carolina, so long as the Writer’s Guild strike doesn’t force his show to go dark.
