Briefs: TV viewing dips, connected TV, Zeebox award

By Cory Bergman 

A few short updates from around the industry today, beginning with a new Nielsen report:

TV viewing dips again – Nielsen released a new report today that found the number of American households with access to a television set and a TV signal is shrinking slightly for the second year in a row.

Connected TV set growth – Connected TV set shipments will grow to 70% during 2016, predicts IMS Research. By that year, more than 80% of connected TV sets shipped worldwide will have built-in Wi-Fi.


Zeebox wins award – Zeebox was named the overall winner at the Connected TV Awards in London. In the “outstanding connected TV service” category, BBC iPlayer, BBC News connected TV app and JAZZTEL’s JAZZBOX came away with an award.

Social a big deal for networks – You already know this, but we thought we’d share this USA Today story on social TV with a quote from Lost Remote’s own Natan Edelsburg.

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