Briefs: Paypal TV, CNBC, Telly, Twitter, TV dollars

By Cory Bergman 

A few stories from around the TV industry today…

PayPal ties up with TV: PayPal has partnered with TiVo and Comcast to enable viewers to buy products and donate money straight from their remotes.

CNBC partners with Yahoo – Similar to the ABC-Yahoo News deal, CNBC will be the premiere content provider for Yahoo! Finance.


Twitvid rebrands as Telly: The site relaunches to focus on social video discovery, even for clips from CNN and ESPN. Web only now, apps coming soon.

Twitter a media competitor? “There comes a point where a partner can start to look like a competitor if you tilt your head the right way, and I would argue that Twitter is nearing that point.”

TV is still growing strong: U.S. broadcast ad revenues this year are on track to reach $18.9 billion, a boost of 7.3 percent, finds PricewaterhouseCoopers.

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