Bless Your Cheating….Smart Phone?

By Jordan Chariton 

She’s no fun; he didn’t open up; I just fell out of love.

These are the typical excuses you associate with partners who cheat on their mates, but a new survey pops the lid off of traditional cheating to reveal a new source: smartphones.

The study was done by Victoria Milan, a dating site for married couples, and found that of the 6,000 users they surveyed, 45% cited their partners excessive phone and tablet use as the reason for wanting to or having already cheated, with women ages 30-50 having the most desire to find affection elsewhere.


And in a mobile irony, those surveyed said they would use their own phone to meet someone new.

“Like anything else that enhances our lives, technology is a double-edged sword,” Victoria Milan’s CEO Sigurd Vedal said “It’s a predictable, albeit unfortunate, commentary that modern use of technology has led to a kind of social isolation—being alone in a room of many others— that leads to seeking out connections with others when we are left feeling unfulfilled in our day to day relationships. One way or the other we need to find that connection.”

A lesson for Lost Remote readers—if you’re happy in your relationship, make sure to read us before you get home to your partner or after they go to bed!
