Congdon debuts on

By Cory Bergman 

Today was former Rocketboom host Amanda Congdon’s first video blog post on As Chris writes in comments, “It looks like Rocketboom with an ABC logo to me.” Yes, you’ll recognize the Rocketboom influence, from the set to the camera turns to the story selection. Now, I have mixed feelings about her new gig. Kudos to for having the guts to go beyond traditional repurposed TV on the web. Yet I wonder if the “garage cool factor” is gone now that she’s part of a professional ABC News production. Sometimes slapping a big media brand (or a 30-second pre-roll ad) on something can ruin it. But Amanda doesn’t seem to be too influenced by it all. Right out of the gate she dissed’s pop up video player (she likes embedded players) even declaring, “Javascript sucks.” A young, hip person poking fun at a traditional network on the network’s own site? Now this could get really good.

Did you watch? Tell us what you think in comments…
