3-D mania continues, this time with a newspaper

By Steve Safran 

For reasons that continue to elude your faithful editor, 3-D has taken on a new life. It appears TV and movies are trying anything to hold on to viewership. And now, a newspaper is going 3-D. It’s Japan’s Nikkan Sports Shimbun, and the 3-D run was limited to a run of 5,000 copies, all sold at a sports stadium. The 12-pager came complete with glasses. Writes Japan’s PressNet: “To get feedback about the 3-D newspaper, the company printed a QR bar code inside the issue, providing an Internet address link to a survey on the daily’s Web site.” It must have been an interesting sight to see people at a (by definition) three dimensional sporting event wearing 3-D glasses. (via SFN Blog)

Picture via NSK News Bulletin
