YouTube Star Zoella’s Book Was Ghostwritten

By Dianna Dilworth 

zoesuggPopular YouTuber Zoe Sugg, a British blogger that writes about makeup and fashion, didn’t write her novel alone, Penguin UK has revealed. Known as Zoella to her fans, the social media icon signed a two-book with Penguin UK back in June.

The first book, Girl Online, a coming-of-age novel, came out in November and has been flying off the book shelves. According to a report in The Sunday Times, the book sold more than 78,000 copies in the UK last week alone. Yet, some readers and Amazon reviewers have been commenting that the work didn’t sound much like Sugg.

A Penguin UK spokesperson commented on the rumors in an interview with The Sunday Times, saying, “To be factually accurate, you would need to say Zoe Sugg did not write the book Girl Online on her own.” Freelance writer Siobhan Curham is recognized in the book’s acknowledgments.