Writing Contest in Honor of Elaine Kaufman

By Jason Boog 

From now until October 15, 2013, writers can submit a short story, essay or novel excerpt to the Table 4 Writers Foundation’s second annual writing competition.

The foundation will award five $2,500 grants to honor the memory of Elaine Kaufman, a restaurant owner who welcomed many great writers into her famous restaurant. Here’s more from the release:

Kaufman, known for nurturing writers and other creative people, died in December 2010 after running the celebrated Elaine’s restaurant on the Upper East Side for more than 47 years. “I’m pleased that in our second year we’re able to increase the amounts that we award our winners,” said Jenine Lepera Izzi, the foundation’s chair. “We hope that the prizes will help them focus on their work and also bring attention to their writing.”

Follow this link to download the application. You must include a $10 fee with the application.

Last year, five writers won $2,000 grants through the program. The winners were (along with links to their work):

Darren Bulhak, whose entry, “His Fleece Was White as Snow,” poignantly captures the circle of life.
KC Trommer, whose short story “The Wild Dogs” includes a shocking ending.
Anne Elliott, whose winning submission easily won the prize for best title: “Light Streaming From a Horse’s Ass.”
David Ciminello, whose novel excerpt, “The Queen of Steeplechase Park,” follows a young gay man’s journey to a strange world of eccentric characters in 1940s Brooklyn.
Gretchen VanEsselstyn, whose steamy story of sex and food prep in front of the broiler is called “Flour, Butter, Lemon, Heat.”