Writers Living in Japan: A Twitter Directory

By Jason Boog 

twitterlogo2323.jpgAs Japan recovers from a devastating earthquake, we’ve been reading the stories of writers living and tweeting in Japan.

This morning, Surviving in Japan tweeted about another earthquake: “So a 6 quake in Shizuoka, specifically Fujinomiya, and lesser magnitude farther out over Japan. Think it was a/b 4/5 where I am. Not bad.” Writer Ashley Thompson added: “I’m all right! We just had a biggish quake here in Shizuoka – but not too bad.”

Using Surviving in Japan’s feed, we created a Twitter list of writers living and tweeting in Japan. If you have anyone to add, put them in the comments–we’ll update the list. If you want to help, the Authors for Japan site just launched yesterday, as writers and publishing professionals have donated some great prizes to raise funds for earthquake and tsunami relief in Japan.

Jake Adelstein: author of Tokyo Vice, investigative journalist

Matt Alt: Full time writer and translator. Part time squid jockey. Co-author of Super #1 Robot, Hello, Please! Yokai Attack! & Ninja Attack!

Ashley (Surviving in Japan): Location Shizuoka, Japan–Not-the-usual tips, advice and resources for expats living in Japan.

Christopher Belton: Beagle-loving Brit writer/translator based in Yokohama. 50+ books published as an author, 70+ as a translator. Wikipedia says I’m great, so I must be.

Deborah Davidson: Etegami Artist, Food Blogger, Japanese-to-English translator. Published translations include Ainu folklore and the novels of Ayako Miura.

Tracy Slater Hoshino: American writer (& gaijin wife), tweeting scenes from ever-mind-boggling Japan; Founder of the award-winning global lit series Four Stories

Melinda Joe: sake, wine, and food journalist in Japan

Barry Lancet: Long-time book editor, writer. Following good writing, books, art, inspirational items, Japan, Tokyo, Asia, travel, film, and the next cup of coffee

Pamela: US expat in Japan working in the creative field. | Tweets in Japanese & English on art, design, food, drink & cats.

Katie Ratcliffe: news director for japanese AFP news site, visual j, social media, writing/photography, skier, mac lover, food/book/TV lover, ex-Hong Kong

Takara Swoopes: Tokyo-based wife, new mommy, tech-follower and Founder of Hitch’d, an online stationery design and inspiration curating app for the wedding space.

Liezel Strauss: Design & art consultant. Blogger. Happily living in Tokyo. Fascinated by Japan. Heart also lives in NYC & Cape Town. Bicycle lover. Obsessed with 22.

Ashley Thompson: Writer, blogger, techie living in Japan. Also passionate about the environment and social sciences.

Aimee Weinstein: Adventurer, Japano-phile,Writer,mother,wife,volunteer,editor, and oh yean, WRITER!