Who Sells More Books, Sam Tanenhaus or Terry Gross?

By Neal 

What did people in the book business think of last week’s Publishing Trends survey on the state of online marketing? “One thing really surprised me,” says literary agent Ted Weinstein. “No mention of broadcast. Nah, I don’t mean Oprah or Charlie Rose (that’s obvious), I mean things like local TV and radio morning shows for certain types of books, or a wide range of local and national NPR shows. I’d argue that despite the comment they include at the end, it’s not NYT but rather NPR that sells the most books…”

(He’s referring to the article’s conclusion: “Even the most digitally zealous, the ones who initially declared traditional media washed up nobodies, tended to qualify enthusiasm with ‘well, of course a mention in the NY Times still sells a lot of books.'”)