Who Is Oprah’s New Favorite Author?

By Neal 


Early last night, Oprah Winfrey went on Twitter to lay the groundwork for the unveiling of her next book club selection—so we immediately went poking around the Amazon and Barnes and Noble websites to see what data points we could assemble towards making our usual predictions about her choice.

So here’s what we know: The book is published by Little, Brown with a suggested retail price of $23.99 in hardcover and $14.99 in trade paperback. We nearly convinced ourselves that it was Alice Sebold‘s The Almost Moon, until we remembered that was priced at $24.99 when it came out in 2007. Dammit! Because, really, that would’ve been a perfect choice. So, in its way, would’ve been Tony Earley‘s The Blue Star, except that it just came out in paperback for $13.99.

The first book we hit upon from Little, Brown that matched the price criteria was Beginner’s Greek by James Collins, which we guess fits the “never made a selection like ‘this'” description. But we think it might be Say You’re One of Them, a collection of short stories by Uwem Akpan. We’re pretty sure Oprah’s never picked a short story collection before…

OK, your turn!