What’s New With… Lynn Rosen?

By Neal 

lynn-rosen-2008.jpgWay back in the summer of 2007, GalleyCat reported on a class that publishing veteran Lynn Rosen was teaching in Philadelphia where students read and critiqued ARCs of upcoming novels. According to The Philadelphia Inquirer, “A Sneak Peek at Next Year’s Bestsellers” is still going strong at the Center City and Fort Washington campuses of Temple University; this year, her students were among the first to read David Wroblewski‘s The Story of Edgar Sawtelle.

When we spoke to Rosen last year, she had mentioned that she wanted to set up another version of this class dealing with memoirs rather than novels—the Inquirer mentioned that it did come together, though Rosen wound up using books that had already been published. She’s moved that model forward to include a series of books by four local authors.