Weekend Reading: Amazon, Macmillan, McCann & Maddow

By Jason Boog 

amazonad.jpgIt’s been one of the craziest weeks in recent memory for publishing. Here are a few highlights for your weekend reading pleasure.

In retaliation for a eBook pricing debate, Amazon removed the buy direct from Amazon button from many Macmillan books. In response, Macmillan took out a full-page NY Times advertisement (pictured) for “The Checklist Manifesto: How to Get Things Right” with a bold phrase at the bottom: “Available at booksellers everywhere except Amazon.

More than 12,000 copies of a pop-up book written by comedian Ricky Gervais disappeared while in route to an Indiana warehouse–$240,000 worth of books are now missing.

We reported that Colum McCann will star in an upcoming documentary, and managed to shoot a short video about the novelist at a Granta party.

Friends and foes of MSNBC personality Rachel Maddow found out they will have to wait a little longer to read her book, as the anchor’s agent reported the book was delayed.

For GalleyCat Reviews, we began collecting a list of the most popular book reviewing sites on Twitter. Add yours before the directory is unveiled next week.

During the Fifth Annual America Booksellers Association’s Winter Institute Program, booksellers from around the country delivered a standing ovation for Macmillan’s stand against Amazon.

Finally, Tank Books turned a nasty habit into a winning habit–wrapping print editions of classic stories into cigarette packs that fit easily inside your pocket or purse.