We Shall Brook No Opposition

By Neal 

Last Friday, I put the word out that we were looking for cat photos, and you filled our inbox pretty quickly (which is a polite way of saying we’re more than covered already, thanks!). Apparently, that was the last straw for Steve Clackson, who asks, “Are Ron and Sarah wielding too much control over the litblogosphere?” Turns out he felt we were excluding unpublished writers and litbloggers from tomorrow’s feline parade…but of course that’s just a function of our being a publishing industry news blog, not a litblog. (By the way, can I tell you how much I hate the term “litblog”? It sounds like something you’d post to when you were high.) As for Clackson’s objection to our spending an entire day focused on cats—his exact words were “What is it with all the frickin cats these days?”—rest assured that we’ll have a dog day…in August, naturally.