Veni, Vidi, Da Vinci

By Kathryn 

Edward Wyatt only meant to interview Dan Brown. Instead, the mild-mannered journalist uncovered a threat to national security so large, packs of roaming loopholes were jumping through it. Now, he’s on the run for his life, with nothing but luck, common sense, and Audrey Tatou’s stunt double to save him.

So, yeah … Apparently, writers of airport reading — and those who look like them — acquire unfair, potentially unsafe, advantages on their home turf.

“In some ways, my life has changed dramatically,” Mr. Brown said, as when he arrived at the airport in Boston to catch the shuttle to La Guardia Airport – only to realize that he had left his driver’s license at his home in New Hampshire. “Fortunately, the guy behind me in line had a copy of ‘Da Vinci Code,’ ” he said. “I borrowed it, showed security the author photo and made my flight.”