UnBeige: Scotland Declares War on Connery

By Neal 

0825beingascot.jpgHere’s another fun item from UnBeige, mediabistro.com’s design blog: Sean Connery has written a book about his cultural identity called, simply enough, Being a Scot, and it’s left lots of Scots tied up in knots.

“There are no hilarious anecdotes, brilliant portraits of Hollywood greats or outrageous personal confessions here,” warns the Times of London, more like “a series of lengthy and scholarly chapters each with a title suggesting a doctoral thesis by some particularly earnest and bespectacled cultural studies student.” And, as UnBeige editor Steve Delahoyde discovered, lots of thoughts on where Scotland’s gone wrong that have aggravated his fellow citizens, most notably in the city of Edinburgh, which he apparently accuses of pandering to tourists. Now they’re starting to complain that he hasn’t even lived there for 50 years and attacking him for being contradictory. “In terms of architecture,” says one defensive fellow, “he says he is a fan of Allan Murray, and Allan Murray has done a lot of the architecture, so I think there’s a mixed message.”

Not necessarily. One could, for example, be a fan of Sean Connery, and still have little good to say about every film he’s made in the last 17 years starting with, let’s say, Highlander 2, with Finding Forrester as the exception that proves the rule.