Two Humorists Team Up for Risqué Business

By Neal 

stanfa-reinhardt-headshots.jpgWhen DC Stanfa (far left) and Susan Reinhardt first met at the Erma Bombeck Writer’s Conference, the two humor writers “bonded like Gorilla Glue and paper,” as Reinhardt recalls. As they sealed their friendship online and on the book festival circuit (including the Pulpwood Queens Girlfriends Weekend in East Texas, where I met them earlier this year), the duo hatched an idea for an anthology called Sex In The Cemetery, And Other Bible Stories. They’re inviting other writers with funny stories about “men, women, and messy meanderings” that run between 750 and 2,500 words to submit their work for consideration; the less explicit the telling, though, the better, so bust out your most creative euphemisms. One grand prize winner will receive $200, while all other stories accepted for publication will earn $100. Entries can be submitted by email to Stanfa until November 21… and then, when this project is wrapped up, the two will go back to their first collaborative book idea, Five People You Meet in a Bar.